What sleep training method do you use?
Unlike other branded, sleep-training theories, systems or solutions you may have come across, the Sweet Dreams LA Method includes lots of common sense, emotional and logistical support. Your baby is unique. There is no cookie-cutter “solution” that’s going to make her into a great sleeper. Books are great in theory, but they don’t know your baby, or help you make decisions in the middle of the night. They don’t help you understand if your baby needs something, or if she’s just waking out of habit. If we work together, we are WITH you, in your home, holding your hands before, during and after your baby is sleep trained, so you’re not freaking out or worried that you’re doing something wrong. We get to know you, and your baby. We consider her age, developmental stage, personality, and the geography of your home, to help her to sleep through the night, and nap restfully every day,–in the fastest, easiest way for her.
What is your position on Cry-it-Out sleep training methods?
We know you don’t want to hear your baby cry, no parent does! But here’s the thing: If you want to empower your baby to learn to sleep independently without excessive crying, there is no way to do this without a few tears in the beginning. We will discuss this at length, and together we’ll co-create a plan that will minimize the tears, make sleep training smooth and seamless for your baby, and lead you to sustainable success.
What’s the best age to sleep train my baby?
Sleep training is honestly easier for everyone before teething and big developmental leaps begin. In a perfect world, you would begin sleep training between 10-16 weeks, but if you’ve missed that window, no worries! We help families with babies up to 24 months successfully sleep train their babies all the time.
Can you help me teach my baby to sleep?
In order to know if working together is a good fit, we’ll need to speak on the phone. We will ask you lots of questions and we will tell you IF we’re 100% confident that we can help you. If you and your partner are misaligned; if one of you is opposed to any crying at all, if your baby has any clinical issues, unfortunately, we won’t be able to help. But if we’re 100% confident that we can help you sleep train your baby in 72 hours or less, we’ll tell you.
What if it doesn’t work?
If you’ve already tried sleep training with various books, and failed repeatedly, you’re probably feeling defeated and terrified that nothing will ever work. That is a totally normal fear – we hear it all the time! If we work with you, we’ll look carefully at what didn’t work, and change the strategy to lead you to success. Sometimes we have to tweak our strategy a little to make it work for your baby, but we will NOT. LET. YOU. FAIL. (Pinky promise.) Yes, there will be setbacks, but that’s a good thing because we’ll coach you through whatever comes up, so you can confidently overcome ANY setbacks in the future. Bottom line: If we tell you it will work, it will. Guaranteed. We have a 100% success rate, and we don’t do failure!
If we want to work with you, what are the next steps?
If you sense that working together may be a good fit for you, schedule a complimentary Sleep Assessment. In this call, you will get really clear about what you want, what’s standing in your way, and how we can help you and your family sleep soundly in a few days.